Begin Date: March 12, 2021
End Date: June 3, 2021
Contest terms are listed in Appendix A of our terms
CONTEST RULES: You must be 18 years or older and have an account on Volume. Payments are available to claim once your account reaches a minimum of $50. To receive prize money, simply click 'Claim Your Winnings' and complete a claim form. Cash winners are responsible for all taxes and must supply legal name, photo identification, mailing address, birth date, telephone number and social security number.
How do points work?
Points are awarded every sixty (60) seconds, so it's easy to quickly get in on the action! If you are one of the top ten most viewed stages in a given minute, you'll earn points! You can earn anywhere from 1-10 points per minute based on the amount of unique registered viewers that watch your stage for at least a minute. More viewers equals more points!
- The most viewed stage earns 10 points per minute!
- The 2nd most viewed stage earns 9 points per minute
- The 3rd most viewed stage earns 8 points per minute
- The 4th most viewed stage earns 7 points per minute
- The 5th most viewed stage earns 6 points per minute
- The 6th most viewed stage earns 5 points per minute
- The 7th most viewed stage earns 4 points per minute
- The 8th most viewed stage earns 3 points per minute
- The 9th most viewed stage earns 2 points per minute
- The 10th most viewed stage earns 1 points per minute
At the end of the hour, the stage with the most points wins $25 cash! The stage with the 2nd most points wins $15 cash and the stage with the 3rd most points wins $5! All points are then reset and a new contest begins. Keep in mind that anonymous users who are viewing your stage do not count towards top ten rankings, so encourage them to register! The maximum amount of points achievable in an hour is six hundred (600).
Who can win?
Whoever can attract the most viewers in an hour will win prize money. You can win money around the clock as we award prizes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
How many times can I win?
There is no limit to the amount of times each stage can win prize money. As long as you maintain the highest points within the hour, you will win cash!
How do I get paid?
Daily payouts are available with PayPal, Direct Deposit, or Stripe once you have met the $10 minimum payment amount.
What's on the claim form?
To process your payment we require your legal name, mailing address, birth date, telephone number, and social security number.
When can I get started?
Click Broadcast and start earning points right now! Good luck!